
for Land Surveying and Engineering in St. Croix, USVI

Asbuilt Survey/ALTA/ACSM Title Survey

Asbuilt Maps are a key component of acquiring a bank loan to purchase/refinance a piece of land or house. These maps will identify any improvements, easements/rights of way, and encroachments by or onto other lands, and ensure that all VI zoning setback codes are complied with. Existing boundary markers will also be identified, if you would like to have any missing markers re-instated, please also request a Reset Missing Monuments. St. Croix Survey works with all leading banks, lenders and title insurance companies, and due to our extensive resources and records, have a quick turn-around from request for a survey to final plat delivered to your lender, typically a survey request can be completed and delivered in one to two days.


Flood Insurance Surveys

FEMA has identified certain areas of the Virgin Islands that are prone to stormwater flooding and this has a significant effect on your flood insurance premiums, and on whether or not flood insurance is required. St. Croix Survey and Engineering can identify which Flood Zone your structures are located in and whether these structures comply with the building codes of that zone (typically ensuring that the floor level is a certain height above the surrounding land)

Want to learn more about Land Surveying?